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It Shouldn't Be Low and Slow! Why You May Wait for Your Car Accident Claim Longer

If you got involved in a car accident that left you seriously injured or maimed, how much money you get as compensation is the first thing that comes into your mind. However, if you don't have a compensation lawyer to work it out for you, fair compensation would just remain a dream. Although you may focus more on how much you would get, you should also think about the time the process would take. Here are some aspects that determine how long the car accident settlement would take to come your way:

The Insurer's Findings on the At-Fault Driver

Most insurance companies scrutinise the involved parties to know who was at fault. If a drunk or distracted driver caused the accident, everyone could tell who is at fault. However, some car accidents require a more intensive investigation to determine the party to blame. If the driver at fault has several accidents and tickets, you could win the compensation case within a few days.

If the at-fault driver were behind the wheel for more than the recommended hours, their insurer would have to compensate the claimant. However, if mechanical failures, such as a shredded belt, locked transmission or faulty tyres caused the accident, the mechanic, manufacturer or driver could be blamed. Getting the accident-facts from these parties may take longer than you expected and eventually delay compensation.

The Amount of Money You Demand

Most of the disagreements that arise in most car accident settlements depend on the amount of money the claimant demands. Don't forget that every insurance adjuster wants to limit the financial liability of their company and probably compensate no one where possible. If you sustained serious injuries, your medical costs would increase—meaning your car accident settlement could go up.

For instance, car accident victims that sustain spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries could get higher compensation. However, assessing and treating such serious injuries may take time, and this means you would have to remain patient with your compensation.

Whether You Hired a Compensation Lawyer 

Although you may just involve the insurance company when seeking compensation, the process would frustrate you more without a compensation lawyer. Contact a car accident lawyer immediately after the accident happens, since the clarity and accuracy of your car accident claims depend on everything that happened at the accident scene to the hospital. If you hire a compensation lawyer with good negotiation skills, you may just wait for a few days. A compensation lawyer gets relevant evidence to make your claim strong and makes your rights the "topic" of their discussions.

Once your settlement is determined, you shouldn't take more than 20 days to get money in your wallet. Most of the involved car accident parties fail to settle a car accident claim quickly because they can't agree. Next time you have a car accident claim to pursue, involve an experienced compensation lawyer to avoid unnecessary settlement delays.
